Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Appshaker Launches Augmented Reality for General Electric

Appshaker is proud to announce the launch of a multi-screen Augmented Reality system for GE Lighting. Integrated into their stand at the Euroshop Trade Fair in Dusseldorf, visitors were treated to a visual treat as we rendered 4 animated shops onto cubes handed out at the stand. The reaction was to say the very least, amazing. For GE Lighting, this provided their sales team with a much needed tool to draw people into the stand. It provided massively increased interaction, a powerful sales tool and also a chance to entertain the crowds so desperate to see something new at one of the biggest trade fairs in the world.

We'll post more as and when we have it, but please check out some of the pics from the show which finishes today.

From a VERY happy Appshaker team


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