Monday, February 21, 2011

Augmented reality phones see sharp rise | Mobile Apps | ZDNet UK

The number of smartphones capable of running augmented reality apps and services increased significantly in 2010, according to analyst house Juniper Research.
An investment push from big-name brands, retailers and mobile vendors helped drive up the installed base ofaugmented reality (AR)-capable smartphones from eight million in 2009 to more than 100 million in 2010, the analyst said.
Augmented reality refers to the overlaying of computerised elements, such as graphics or text, on top of a real-time video or other real-world display with the aim of providing additional information to the viewer. "Even if consumers don't necessarily understand how [AR] works, they can see real-life examples of AR in action," said report author Dr Windsor Holden in a statement. 
For more on this ZDNet UK-selected story, see Augmented reality smartphones soar on

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